Expanding, Learning, Shifting, Growing!

Part One of Three Trainings leading to Certification. There is no obligation to take further classes; this stands alone in its subject matter.

Bridge Between the Worlds Wellness Center

Keswick, Virginia

August 8 - 11, 2024


Note: this training is Foundations, Part 1 of a Three Part program leading to Certification. 

Anyone is free to take this Foundations course, but for Certification Parts Two and Three are also required. 


Learn the Principles, Practice and Protocols of Sound Healing 

Use the Tools of Healing Sound to Shift Consciousness, Raise Vibration and Create Transformative States in Yourself, Clients and Groups 


Do you love sound and the way it transports you and others to expansive realms? Have you felt a quickening when using sound, or have you found it easier to flow deeper into yourself when pure tone is used? Do you desire to learn the principles of sound and healing so that you can use these effectively in your own practice or with others? This training will help you with all of these...

The training begins in Keswick, VA, at Bridge Between the Worlds Wellness Center, on the outskirts of Charlottesville, VA. We start off with a Healing Sound Immersion, in which all the instruments taught in the workshop will be performed: crystal bowls,  Tibetan bowls and bells, gong, sacred drum and rattles, and tuning forks.  This introduction will be wholly experiential, bathing you in a pure sound healing experience, so the only expectation is to be in-the-moment with no mind-oriented activity. 

After processing the immersion experience, we learn about vibrational healing; the nature of sound; states of consciousness and how to shift vibrational patterns in the human energy system; morphic resonance and tuning into energetic fields created by ancestors and healers of the past; kingdoms of Nature which aid in changing our vibration (devas, angels, plants and animals, crystals); and sacred geometry. These are the principles you will need to do a sound healing session by yourself, with an individual, or with a group. 

Lunch break at noon: bring your own bag lunch.

In the training Mark will demonstrate a hands-on sound healing session, discuss how to play, and how NOT to play the traditional instruments of sound healing.  Afterwards we will break up in pairs to practice these techniques. 

We will delve into the more esoteric aspects of healing including overtones and harmonics; boundaries and the healing presence; allowing and entrainment.

Hands-on practice with the instruments is a large part of the day; and time for questions, and a forward glance at the future of sound healing and what YOU can do with your skills.  A closing circle of gratitude will complete our training.


NOTE: If considering purchasing instruments, it is better to attend this training first, as instruments are provided and you will be able to practice on them and ask questions about quality, etc…

The Harmonic Series

Mark Torgeson, Facilitator

Mark has been playing with sound since forever. He began with piano lessons as a kid, went on to earn a degree in music,  and since then has produced over 50 albums of transformational music and sound,  aired on all continents.

He also embarked on a parallel career path in the Healing Arts, and for the past 30 years has worked with the body and the human energy system. About 15 years ago he started teaching Sound Healing; then incorporated Sacred Geometry and Foundational Music Concepts to create a program more rounded out for the contemporary Sound Healer.

 Much of this work centers around Altered States of Consciousness, honoring the Indigenous Cultures from which sacred instruments harken, and acknowledging the Kingdoms of Consciousness which are always present in this work. Mark's teaching style sways heavily toward the experiential, so one is not burdened with facts, but walks away with knowledge in the body. 

 Is this for You? 

Do you have a desire to help others, a penchant for healing, a feeling of mission to make an impact in the world? Do you love deep states of contemplation and meditation, and social venues where others resonate to those frequencies? Are you attracted to pure tones which quiet the mind? Or do you simply wish to fine-tune a method of delving deeper into your own stillness, and creating daily balance? Then Sound Healing may be just the modality for you!

Foundations Interview: Sunny Kirkland and Mark

What Will Be Covered:

  • Sound and the Cosmos 
  • Sound and Vibrational Healing
  • Morphic Resonance     
  • Overtones and the Harmonic Series
  • The Elements 
  • States of Consciousness 
  • Entrainment
  • Hands-on practice I: One on One 
  • Transformative Rhythms
  • The Instruments of Sound Healing I 
  • Benefits of Sound Healing 
  • Steps of a Sound Healing Session
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound
  • Music Theory for Sound Healers
