Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023
  • Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023

Sacred Geometry and Sound Training: April 15, 2023

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SATURDAY APRIL 15, 10 am - 4 pm


There's been a lot of hype about Sacred Geometry lately, it's a buzz and people are curious and wondering... But beyond the normal attention-getters like Flower of Life or the Fibonnaci

SATURDAY APRIL 15, 10 am - 4 pm


There's been a lot of hype about Sacred Geometry lately, it's a buzz and people are curious and wondering... But beyond the normal attention-getters like Flower of Life or the Fibonnaci Spiral, what's it all about?

There are two main ways of looking at it:

There is nothing sacred about any of it; it is as normal as green grass and blue skies; It is profoundly sacred, and we are all, as a Oneness, part of this Divine Blueprint.

This course embraces both of these perspectives.

First of all, we will define Sacred Geometry and it's relationship to simple mathematics and to the greater Cosmos. Then we will explore how every part of the Universe as we know it conforms to these patterns found EVERYWHERE.

We will go into depth understanding the Building Blocks of Creation, the Platonic Solids, each of which is a template mapping specifically to one of the elements, and all of which together create a set not found in any other geometry - physical or conceptual:

Tetrahedron - Fire

Hexahedron - Earth

Octahedron - Air

Dodecahedron - Ether

Icosahedron - Water

And then, the fun part: how the elements map to frequencies (notes) which make up know chords and scales - the building blocks of music - and how using these frequencies can bring the body/mind complex back into balance and alignment.

We will discuss the number 432, which Joseph Campbell called the most important number in the world, and why our current music standard of tuning must shift to the A=432 Hz standard.

You will be able to hear these frequencies, sequences and scales to see how they are familiar to everyday music: but with a new understanding of how our modern music system has been hijacked and how music is not having the healing effect it should have on us!

Finally, you will be given the chance to perform and receive tablework on others using Angel Harps - converted autoharps tuned to Sacred Geometry frequencies - and experience the healing and transformational effect of Sacred Geometry through Sound.

During the workshop Mark will be demonstrating these sounds and frequencies on Angel Harps, tuned didgeridoos, and keyboard, and playing music designed for healing and transformation.

At the end of the workshop you will have a fundamental understanding of Sacred Geometry and how it can be used through sound for healing and transformation of yourself and others.

What You Will Learn

What Is Sacred Geometry?

Definition of As Above, So Below

Orders of Magnitude

Cosmic Equivalents

The Mathematics of Sound

The Geometry of Nature

The Mathematics of Sound Frequencies

Harmonics and Overtones

Platonic Solids: Cosmic Building Blocks of the Universe

Templates of the Elements

Blueprints for Manifestation

Geometry of Platonic Solids

Frequencies and Healing

Frequencies of Healing

Standards of Tuning: 432 Hz vs 440 Hz

532 Hz: The New Earth Matrix

Who is this workshop / playshop for?

~ Anyone interested in furthering their understanding of the most prevalent principles of the universe.

~ Graduates of prior Sound Healing programs that did not cover Sacred Geometry and its relationship to music

~ Musicians interested in playing in tune with cosmic principles, new tunings, and the A=432 Hz standard

~ Anyone who loves beautiful sound

~ Everyone who loves to learn new and fascinating stuff!

*If you can't attend in person either of these dates, consider Mark's online training:

About the Facilitator: Mark Torgeson has been playing with sound since forever. He has taught Sound Healing Certification Trainings for 15 years; has a degree in music; has been performing on piano, guitar and flute for over 40 years; and has produced over 32 albums of transformational music available on all platforms and every continent. But his favorite pastime is taking a flute to a favorite stream and playing to the birds.

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